Family Shoot at Lower Seletar Reservoir

I had the pleasure of photographing Felicia and Andrew along with their adorable family last December (yes I really need to double down on this bloggin thing haha). I believe Felicia had seen the pictures I took for Shirlyn and her family and decided to approach me because she needed new family photographs for their new home! What great timing!

Felicia and Andrew are one of the nicest family I've ever met! I mean, all the families I work with are awesome (no, really I mean it!) but Felicia and Andrew just have that special ability to make you feel comfortable and at ease immediately! Calm, friendly and "comfortable with themselves", are the vibes I get from this young family! And that's a big deal in our constantly "stressed out" society. Their parents came along too for moral support and to mind the kids. What a beautiful family!

Perfect Weather

Little Atlas and baby Amber were a little shy in the beginning but they soon warmed up! The big flower and number one balloon were great complements to the bright and airy picnic theme we designed!

We started the photo session early in the morning and boy was that a good decision - the reservoir was calm , the sun was gently while the air tasted fresh and cool. The sun was especially cooperative that day and casted SUCH a beautiful and even light! It was God sent!

Such a precious age...

I love photographing toddlers and young children! Some photographers may find children difficult to handle, which I agree on a certain extent. But much like raising children - even though it's hard, it is also incredibly rewarding. Their innocent laughter and genuine smiles really brightens up the photoshoot!

When my baby nephews were born, it felt like God had given our family a beautiful present! I remember looking at my sleeping baby nephew, curled up like a ball and thought "What a wonderful little bundle of joy!" .

But alas, children don't stay small for long. So remember to capture memories of them when they are still small, innocent and adorable!

d'awww doesn't he look like a Precious Moment Figurine character ?

Atlas: Hmm this is supposed to work....

And he found sprinklers ...

I absolutely ADORE these set of pictures. While it was baby Amber's turn to pose alone for the camera, Atlas started becoming restless so Andrew decided to distract him by allowing him to water the communal plant. Don't ask me how he found the sprinkler while a "local" like me had NO IDEA it exists!

When I saw this scene, I immediately knew it would make a great photograph so I stepped over quickly and started snapping away! I love curious and brave children who likes exploring the world around them with their body! Even though the spill-off from the sprinkler was getting him wet, he didn't allow it to stop him at all!

Look at that smile =)

Michellin baby Amber showcasing everyone's favourite lotus arms <3 !

Warm smile

Even thought she was only one year old, baby amber was not the least afraid of the camera at all! She was one fearless and free-spirited soul and was constantly moving around and ready to laugh at anything! Special thanks to Grandma and Granddaddy for continuously trying to get Amber and Atlas to smile at the camera. Like they say, it takes a village to raise a child!

Baby Pweunch!

True emotions...

It was finally time to take some pictures of Mommy and Daddy alone but Baby Atlas decided he wants to join in too. So while Felicia was coaxing him (and looking super cute at the same time! ), I got a few adorable candid moments.

Sometimes as photographers, it is important to just let things happen while we quietly document it. Some photographers might not enjoy taking photographs of children because they can be so hard to pose but I always believe we should let children be children and learn to go with the flow! Every smile, every sulk and every knitting of the brow are all true emotions of the child. Each and everyone just as precious as the other.

While posed and smiley "Look-at-the-camera" photographs are great, life is not as manicured as that. A folder full of posey pictures would get boring and loses its' value quickly while photographs that captured true candid moments are the ones that helps you remember those precious, fleeting moments a decade later.

Beautiful couple...

And I gotta admit, Felicia and Andrew is one beautiful couple! Not only are they one of the nicest couple I've ever met, they are also very photogenic! Look at all those natural poses and multitude of expressions , these two are so talented at posing I hardly had to give any instructions!

They also clearly demonstrated how "simple" clothing can look SO GOOD on pictures! Whites and neutrals work incredibly well on photographs and helps put all the attention on the right subject - you! So if ever in doubt - wear white!

Enter a Heading

See? I told you they were photogenic =)

A Baby Atlas appears!

Enter a Heading

It was lovely to see Baby (yes, I know he's a toddler not baby, but baby sounds so much cuter so don't mind me! ) Atlas climbed onto Andrew's back without hesitation. This, in my humble non-psychologist opinion, is a sign of a child and family who has healthy relationship with each other and the child is not afraid to be who he is.

Enter a Heading

I managed to capture a few shots of Grandma with Baby Amber too! The shoot went a very smoothly despite having 2 young children because Grandma and Granddad was around to mind the kids! Grandparents plays such an important roles in a family because they hold the family together and leads the family with wisdom. Chinese New Year was never the same again after my Grandma passed away...

Three Generations...

I don't think Felicia and Andrew planned to have a photograph taken with their own parents but I felt like that would be SUCH a waste! It's not often we get to have beautiful, professional photographs of ourselves with our family and it would be such a wasted opportunity if we didn't do it ! So I quickly invited the grandfather and grandmother to join Felicia and Andrew's family for a picture. They were a little embarrassed in the beginning but I assured the family it was fine and boy are they a beautiful family =)

Three generations in a picture - how glorious is that =)