Family Shoot at Singapore Flyer
This is a throwback post to the time where I photographed the lovable Shirlyn and her beautiful family. She had seen the maternity pictures I took for Vivian and couldn't wait to get in touch with me. I asked her if the photographs had any particular intentions and lo and behold! The photoshoot would just be in time to celebrate both her daughter and her own birthdays! We discussed wardrobe choices, shoot themes and decided a white, tropical picnic vibe would be glorious.
We also discussed shoot location and Shirlyn really liked the iconic Singapore Flyer. Since I've never shot there before, I decided to make a trip to the place prior to the shoot to scout things out. And I'll have to be honest, I have never considered Singapore Flyer to be a suitable photoshoot location but boy was I wrong. You'll soon see from the photographs how much variety the place offer!
Sunny Weather
Given the limited date options we had, rainy weather was our biggest concerns. It was forecasted to rain on the day of the photoshoot - actually it was forecasted to rain almost of December. But we trooped on with our plans anyway and praise the Lord, there was nary a drop of rain that morning! The sun was gloriously high with hardly a shred of cloud. Beautiful light for pictures (well it's a little harsh but I'd take that over rain any day) but really tough luck on the body haha, The biggest round of applause goes to Shirlyn's little baby girl & elderly mom for toughing the gruelling weather out.

The most precious moments in life
It was a gruellingly hot day. While we were busy settling down, Shirlyn's daughter ran to her grandma for shade.
This was the first photograph of the family I shot. Everything happened candidly and I love how this photograph documented everything. From how harsh the sun was that day, to the beautiful bond between a grandmother and her grandchild, to the fact that we are still living through a pandemic (face mask) and the precise location this was taken (hint: Gardens by the Bay is just behind!) .
I love candid journalistic photographs that are not posed and tells a story of a moment, beautiful enough to be remembered for a very long time. When the little girl grows up, I hope she sees this photograph and cherish the memories she shared with her grandmother from days long behind.

Since this photoshoot was happening just days before their birthdays, I brought some simple props to spice things up.

We also got a chance to snap a few quick shots of Shirlyn alone. With the big straw hat, white summer dress and ferris wheel in the background, the old-time glamorous hollywood vibe is on point!

Thanks for reading !
~ xoxo